Turboprop Buyers' Guides
Thinking of buying a Turboprop? Need to know which is the right model for your mission profile?
Looking for the specifics on Range and Payload capability, Runway Performance, City Pair examples, Specification data from Conklin & de Decker and FAQS? Plus the expert opinion of AvBuyer's editor, Matt Harris?
If so, please see the guides below for the following models - Cessna Grand Caravan EX, Daher TBM 850, King Air C90GTx, PilatusPC 12 NG and Piper Meridian turboprop planes.
For detailed Price Guides on each model visit our Turboprop Price Guides or simply click on the link in the top rh corner of the main image on each model guide.
And you can also find Mike Chase's popular Turboprop Comparison articles on AvBuyer.