- 19 Oct 2022
- Tony Kioussis
- BizAv Market Insight
Gulfstream developed the long-range Gulfstream GIV as a re-engined (Tay 611-8), stretched fuselage derivative of the GIII offering higher MTOW and fuel efficiency and lower noise output. The cabin boasts extra length and is typically configured for 13. Wing modifications reduced cruise drag and helped stretch maximum range to 4,200nm.
Gulfstream GIV Jet Snapshot
By Matt Harris - Editor, AvBuyer magazine
The Gulfstream GIV is a Large Jet that typically seats 12-13 passengers. It was produced between 1986 and 1992, at which point the upgraded GIV-SP was introduced. According to JETNET, Gulfstream built 197 GIVs during that time. Aircraft Bluebook’s Autumn 2022 price data shows the average GIV price ranges from approximately $4.10m (1986 model) up to $4.70m (1992 model).
What makes the Gulfstream GIV stand out?
Providing a significant upgrade on earlier Gulfstream models with its new Rolls-Royce Tay turbofans, buyers who locate a well maintained Gulfstream GIV will find an inexpensive jet offering attractive speeds up to 476kts, range of 4,200nm, cabin size (1,658cu.ft) and available payload capacity with full fuel (1,220lbs), per Conklin & de Decker).
See the full specification information and the latest market data on this page from Aircraft Blue Book, JETNET, Conklin & de Decker and Asset Insight.
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