Always hangared
Maximum Take Off Weight: 765 kg
Empty Weight: 468 kg
Annual inspection completed January 2022
Swiss CAA Inspection for renewal of permit to fly completed November 2021
Gear up landing in 2006 at TT: 622:35
Repaired lower engine cowling, belly, flaps
Landing accident in 2017 at TT: 106:22
Flaps and rudder repairs, landing gear and wing bolts magnetic particles inspection, RH landing gear repaired, replaced both shock absorbers, replaced ailerons and stabilator piano hinges
• Range with 45min. reserve: 3.30 h
• Tank capacity: 162 Liters
• TAS at 8000feet (my general travel level), with 18 HG, Liter / Hour consumption of flow. with 2 person, 20kg bagage, 120 Liter fuel), estimated 160 knots - 34 liter/hour
• Rate of climb (feet/min) at 2000 feet and at 8000 feet: 1100 ft / 900 ft